So I was watching ‘Icons’ on BBC iPlayer last night, a series celebrating human excellence.  Each episode is dedicated to a different category: Leaders, Explorers, Scientists, Entertainers, Activists, Sports Stars, Artists and Writers. We learnt about the impact of 4 exceptional scientists:  Alan Turing, Marie Curie, Tu Youyou and Albert Einstein.

As the programme ended, I whined to my husband that I wished I could be that great – be the inventor of a computer, cure cancer or malaria (either would do) and be synonymous with the word genius.  Rather diplomatically, he pointed out that I am not a scientist.

But imagine what the world would be like if we all strived to be great?  As great as we really can be?  There would be no more caring what others think and playing it safe, no more keeping quiet when we have an opinion and no more worrying that other people are more successful than us.  Learning from these scientists alone: they followed their passion rather than chased the glory; they spoke their truth in the face of criticism; and they were leaders in their field through serving and celebrating human life.

We don’t need to be a genius to be great.