Ironically, after a 15 hour day on Tuesday, I was at a talk on ‘burnout’ last night. Don’t worry, they didn’t have to wheel me in and no it wasn’t at The Priory.

Publicising their new book, the talk was given by twins:  one of whom had been hospitalised for stress.  Twice.

Evidently, they were very very clever twins judging by the number of letters after their name.  Between them they had a PhD, a Masters, counselling qualifications and assistant professorships.  One was already a New York Times Best Selling author.

Their story reminded me of Arianna Huffington’s well documented wake-up call when her head came crashing down on her desk and she woke up in a pool of blood.  She is also very very clever.  It also prompted her to write a book only she launched a new global empire as well.  So there.

Now I’m pretty sure everyone knows the number one practical solution to stress. If not, DM me.

I suppose what I’m really wondering is, what is it to be clever and successful? Kudos to you if you are killing it.  Just try not to kill yourself in the process.  That really isn’t clever.