Unapologetically, it seems there is more to say on the 2-letter word ‘no’ this week, only this time courtesy of a member of the Carpe Diem community.

No is a great conclusion. It is final and conclusive. Quite often a relief. If it comes from someone whose opinion I care about it can be quizzical to understand but should be respected. If it comes from someone I care less about – so be it, Puh. My thoughts are it is a door to freedom and a likely springboard to set us in a new direction – if we put the no behind us. Don’t give it the opportunity to worry and give us a second problem.

So a conclusion. A signpost. Or a door to freedom. You get to choose.

Thank you to all of you who reply to these posts. Proof that Jo Cox was right when she said we all have more in common than things that divide us.