I met Bear Grylls for the first time last week. Well on TV. He was being interviewed by Louis Theroux. Until then, I knew nothing about him other than he was a famous physically fit man. I confess, I was rather inspired and have since developed a bit of a crush! He was talking about the importance of always challenging and developing yourself. As he cleverly pointed out, in nature, organisms simply decay if they are not growing. So he applies that same principle to himself.

It’s incredible how many of us avoid challenging ourselves. And when we do feel uncomfortable or scared we assume that’s a bad thing. My view is that if your heart is beating a little faster and if you are doing something you have never done before, it’s simply evidence that you are alive and growing.

It turns out Leo Tolstoy agrees with me. He said: “There is no deed in this life so impossible that you cannot do it. Your whole life should be lived as a heroic deed.”

As you were.