So I read two autobiographies over the festive break: first, the very funny Michael McIntyre ‘Life and Laughing’ autobiography to the second, the harrowing true story of Selma van de Perre, a Jewish resistance fighter and concentration camp survivor, in ‘My Name is Selma’. What was interesting about both their remarkable lives (so far) were the common themes: luck; hope; and purpose.

At a time when we are being strongly encouraged by the media to set New Year resolutions (resolution is defined as making a firm commitment to either stop or start doing something. An oxymoron if ever I heard one) Michael and Selma’s lives offer a refreshing, alternative option.

Whilst both Michael McIntyre and Selma van de Perre set goals, the former to earn a living as a stand-up comedian and the latter to simply survive, neither of their goals started on the 1st January. And yet, for both of them, they have been wildly successful: Michael McIntyre explicitly admits in his book; and Selma not only survived, she is currently 100yrs old and counting, having written her first book at the age of 98yrs old which has become an international best seller.

So what are the lessons learned? I would suggest that the 1st January is an arbitrary date. However, living your life with purpose, on purpose can be a surprisingly effective way to be hopeful and get lucky.