So George Michael and Aretha Franklyn’s duet ‘I knew you were waiting for me’ came over the air waves in the car yesterday and for the first time in my life the lyrics felt as if they were directly speaking to me:

When the river was deep, I didn’t falter
When the mountain was high, I still believed
When the valley was low, it didn’t stop me, no no

I was feeling overwhelmed and needed to hear that.

The very last line of the chorus was ‘I knew you were waiting, I knew you were waiting for me’….and whilst they may have been referring to their romantic partner, it was my kids at home that were waiting for me.

Working parents with school aged-children on holiday will no doubt resonate with the overwhelm. But whatever your challenge, you have got this. Self-belief is an incredible super power. Remember if you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.