I’ve noticed a worrying trend amongst human beings that we are increasingly taking leave of our senses.

And I totally get it. In the modern world and the knowledge economy, we are primarily rewarded for our pre-frontal cortex. However, I feel compelled to remind everyone here that our pre-frontal cortex is attached to a body. Ignore it at your peril.

As a reminder there are vast neural highways in our body providing us with non-verbal intelligence.

And in order to come back to our senses here are some tips:


  • When tired, sleep
  • When hungry, eat
  • When lethargic, move


  • When nervous, breathe
  • When stressed, meditate
  • When frustrated, move


  • When indecisive, trust your gut
  • When demotivated, listen to your heart
  • When ignored, speak up

Finally, for the ambitious amongst us, if we want to be inspiring or visionary, we need to connect to our heart and body not just our head.